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How to Apply Fertilizer for Herbs & Leafy Greens

Apply Herb & Leafy Greens Food monthly during the growing season

how to apply herb fertilizer

DO NOT INGEST. Not Suitable for consumption. While True Organic™ Herb & Leafy Greens Food is produced with a food safety manufacturing system, we do always recommend wearing gardening gloves and washing your hands after gardening. Store in a dry area away from kids and pets.

Aplicar mensualmente durante la temporada de crecimiento

how to apply herb fertilizer in Spanish

NO COMAS. No apto para el consumo. Aunque True Organic ™ se produce con un sistema de fabricación de seguridad alimentaria; siempre recomendamos usar guantes de jardinería y después lavarse las manos. Manténgala en un área seca lejos de los niños y las mascotas.

How to Apply Our Herb Fertilizer

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