Feed your favorite veggies!

vegetable icon graphics for blood meal fertilizer

How to Apply Blood Meal Fertilizer

Apply True Organic™ Blood Meal twice per year (Spring and Fall)

how to apply blood meal to plants

DO NOT INGEST. Not Suitable for consumption. While True Organic™ Blood Meal is produced with a food safety manufacturing system, we do always recommend wearing gardening gloves and washing your hands after gardening. Store in a dry area away from kids and pets.

Aplicar dos veces al año (primavera y otoño)

how to apply blood meal to plants in Spanish

NO COMAS. No apto para el consumo. Aunque True Organic ™ se produce con un sistema de fabricación de seguridad alimentaria; siempre recomendamos usar guantes de jardinería y después lavarse las manos. Manténgala en un área seca lejos de los niños y las mascotas.

Using Blood Meal in Your Garden

How to Apply Our Blood Meal

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